Legacy planning seems to be a sensitive topic for many people. None of us is anticipating death with great relish but we all know it is inevitable and, in many cases comes on us unexpectedly, so to plan for it is a wise step.
What is interesting in how people process this resistance, however, is the practical concerns which are raised and stand in the way of seeking out an expert estate planning service to guide you through.
“I’m too busy”
These days there never seems to be enough time! There is always something to do and somewhere to be. And yet, the critical things in life always seem to get done. The bills get paid, the children are clothed and fed, we get to work on time to earn a living…
Planning for a future without you is just as important for your family as putting food on the table and providing heat light and shelter. After all, without that foresight, who is going to take care of those things in your absence.
“It’s too expensive”
It can feel overwhelming when you start researching Legacy Planning as you realise it means not just a Will but also, perhaps Trusts, Lasting Powers of Attorney, Inheritance Tax Planning, Guardianships, Care Fee Planning…. So many areas to consider and each one with a price ticket attached. The challenge is to remove the thought of cost and to consider the value (which you can measure in the potential impact of NOT having these things in place). Then, seek out a legacy planning firm who will provide everything in one place and with pricing that makes it affordable.
“It is so complicated”
Having just listed a handful of the different instruments you might need to ensure your family are taken care of after you are gone, we sympathise! There is a lot to think about. But, with the right advice and someone who will take the time and care to understand your personal situation it need not be complicated. Legacy Planning is a highly skilled profession and experience is key – then the advisor will know what you need (and what you don’t) and be able to guide you every step of the way.

“There are so many mixed messages”
There are – all making it seem even more complicated. There are a lot of myths too (such as ‘my spouse will automatically get everything’ which isn’t actually the case) all serving to make the market even more confusing. Added to this, some of the services on offer (such as will writing) aren’t regulated so you can’t be sure that the advice is right. This is where working with a qualified Legacy Planner can really help to demystify it all.
“It is too difficult right now”
Every time some new challenge comes along in life it can feel as if planning your estate will be too difficult. As we write this we are emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic which while it has brought the need for Legacy Planning into sharp relief, it has made people feel it would be too hard to arrange. And yes, getting a Will signed in front of two independent witnesses while maintaining social distancing is rather more tricky than getting it done in the comfort of an Legacy Planner’s office. Tricky but not impossible. And that is the most difficult step – understanding your circumstances, advising on the right solutions, drafting, preparing papers, registering documents… If Coronavirus has shown us anything it is how much of what we do is available to us online.
We believe that Legacy Matters for everyone and that is why we put so much time and effort into providing a sophisticated and all encompassing estate planning service for everyone.
We provide jargon-free, clear and tailored advice which helps you make the right decisions concerning the legacy you want to leave behind.
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To learn more, book a free call with one of our experts to see how we can help you.
From our Cambridge office, in your own home or online, we’re ready to help you in the way that is best for you.