Should I make a mirror Will?

Should I make a mirror Will?

Mirror Wills are two Wills made by a couple usually leaving everything to each other and then to the same choice of beneficiaries, usually their children. The intention of mirror Wills is to provide for the other person and ultimately for the same beneficiaries once...
Saving money with a deed of variation

Saving money with a deed of variation

After someone’s death, their beneficiaries have the option to change the way in which the estate is distributed. This is done by executing a Deed of Variation. When somebody dies, their affairs are wound up by their personal representative, either an executor, if they...
How to keep your Will safe

How to keep your Will safe

It is just as important to store your Will safely as it is to make it. If a Will is lost then your estate could pass in accordance with the Rules of Intestacy, which means your loved ones could miss out on their inheritance. When someone dies, their personal...