Charity Legacies

Offer a free review to your supporters

We are based in Histon and Impington, 2 miles from Cambridge City Centre and cover Cambridge and surrounding areas.

9 Highfield Road, Impington,
Cambridge, Cambs CB24 9PF

Contact us to discuss our Charity Legacy Programme

Making Charitable Legacies Easy

So many of your supporters would love to continue to help you after they are gone. And yet, so many of them put off making a Will of any kind, let alone one that makes sure the causes they care about are included.

Our Charity Legacies Programme helps you raise essential income as well as helping your supporters by promoting our Will writing services. Starting with a free will review, we give the best possible advice to anyone you refer as will giving you 5% of any profits resulting from the introduction.

Plus, of course, so many of those you pass to us will also make a legacy to their favourite charity.

Will writing services

Wills and estate planning don’t need to be complicated; they just need the expert guidance to explain them in everyday language and an introduction via their favourite charity  to make the process easy.

Our team of legacy experts are easy to reach and easy to understand, giving your teams solid, reliable information and advice they can trust.


Over Twenty Years Providing User-Friendly And Professional Legacy

Advice And Expertise On Every Aspect of Legacy Planning for Charities

Help your supporters leave a Legacy

Offer a free Will review to all your supporters and help them get a valid Will in place. Perhaps including a legacy for your charity.

Discount legacy planning packages

Offer supporters and volunteers a discount on getting their Estate planning in place and earn 5% on the profits from the service

Legacy Planning as an Employee Benefit

A standard set of services for every staff member – with the option for them to add on extra benefits at their own cost.


Making sure wishers are properly expressed and the causes that matter are included in the legacy. 

Powers of Attorney

Deciding who can make decisions on somone’s behalf should they be incapacitated. 

Regular Reviews

Making sure that everyone has the right documents in place even if their circumstances change. 

Some of the charities we currently help

Securing a Legacy for Your Charity Doesn’t Need to be Difficult


Free Consultation

Expert Advice

Cost Effective Solutions